Control/Dimming Zero 88 Frogger Game


Well-Known Member
Hello All,

anyone know what the keystrokes are to pull up the game on a zero88 desk?

i heard a rumor that their frog range of desks have an inbuilt game similar to the MA line of consoles but instead of space invaders the game is frogger.
Thanks for your prompt reply john. May i ask why it not have just been posted here i understand why it couldn't on the support forum on the zero88 website but as we have no direct connection to the company i don't see why it couldn't have been posted here as it is a question that is going to come up again in the future here.

All the best and thanks
I think he is trying to keep the integrity of the game. If it is posted all over the internet, then teachers will catch on, and us professional ld's who like to take a little break while waiting for the guys to focus may end up suffereing with no game. I really wish the hog had a built in game. :)
The newer software versions are much better than the old original ones. I have not had anyproblems with the new. The old is a whole different story.
With our Strand 300 Series before it bit the dust, the best part was watching it just go off and do it's own thing. It would become possessed and start changing values and going to own menus on it's own. That's the mightiness of having a console with too much dust in the faders that it goes stir crazy on it's own.
Thanks for the information, you made our current run a bit more exhilarating

Our Lighting Op thanks you


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That's fantastic! Do all Z88 desks have Frogger, or just the Frog-related lines?

I like the joke about the Hog's built in game. I haven't lost yet, but...
I do know that the error message can read, "I'm sorry, I've croaked," which does seem a bit frog-like.

I doubt our Expresses have any built in games...
But you never know, so, do they?
Not sure but its providing us with much fun.
Have a very boring two days to spend with cast simply rehearsing and hardly any lighting cues. Could someone please PM me how to unlock the easter egg frogger game?

I want to know...even though I don't have and a zero 88.

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