Teach @Dagger Rigging.


Active Member
Can you guys post some pics of bridled points

I always take pics of how things are rigged but lost them .

I need to look at some pics of bridled points ( with and without deck chain ) to use as a reference

Thanks a lot !

Also how do I calculate how much weight each suspension point is taking ?

Can I refer to this chart ?


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It's nice theory but beyond two points it depends upon the coordination of the picks. Counterweight lineset is pretty simple with it being level but testing and empirical experience says that chain motors are not close to moving equally, at least without monitoring load cells.

Or is your point the rig is not symmetrical - I can't tell as I can't see right end of load in pics.
It's not the most sexworthy rigging I've ever seen in terms of aesthetics.

Also not wild about how close that far left spanset is to the end of the pipe.
I looks like that its two scaffolding cross pipes(cant remember what they are actually called)...I would think that if one of those wedges came loose, it could turn ugly...

The stinger has nothing to do with the bridle... the stinger is what comes down from the point the two bridle legs make... Yes, you could use a deck chain on a stinger but... why would you? If you need to add 3' adding 5' makes no real difference unless your in a ball room where every foot counts or at the very end of your chain travel and have a very high trim.

Now if your asking if you can use deck chains only as legs for a bridle... the answer is yes but its going to be one expensive and heavy leg. The only place you should not be using deck chains is to make baskets. They are not meant for that.

Why are you asking....
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You need to get your terminology right. A bridle is the connecting method between two beams to make a point where one does not exist. Your 1st picture is basically a dead hang. No bridles there. Your second picture is just scary. In fact, both pictures are scary.

You can hit steel with gac flex. Nothing stopping you there. However, you should never be choking building steel. You should be doing that in a basket configuration. You should also not be building baskets with deck chain. Chain is not meant to be side loaded.

The reason steel is used overhead is simply a matter of cost. A 6' piece of Gacflex costs 50 bucks. A 5' piece of 1/2" GAC terminated costs 20. You gain nothing by going with the more expensive option.

Finally, this posts and the last several you have done in the vein are rather concerning to me. You should never rig with "limited hardware" or "in a pinch". You either have the stuff to do it right or your don't. If your seeing this on job sites you should find another gig. If you are being asked to do this without the right gear you should make the proper calls to get the right stuff or get out of dodge.
It looks like that its two scaffolding cross pipes

Agree, looks like ring lock scaffolding pieced together. Scary. Dagger what are all these photos from? Are you rigging this?
Finally, this posts and the last several you have done in the vein are rather concerning to me. You should never rig with "limited hardware" or "in a pinch". You either have the stuff to do it right or your don't. If your seeing this on job sites you should find another gig. If you are being asked to do this without the right gear you should make the proper calls to get the right stuff or get out of dodge.

Agreed, I've been watching these with steadily increasing concern. Almost makes me miss the old days when any threads like this would be shut down instantly. Not that I'm advocating going back to that point, but it makes it very clear why that was the policy here for so long.

Dagger, I think we'd all feel a little more comfortable if you'd provide some background behind all of these questions. Looking through your post history, I wonder if maybe you're trying to break into rigging, and posting these questions here is more of a "I saw this on a job, is there a smarter/better/safer way to do it?" If that's the case, I'm sure people would be much more willing to help out and provide constructive criticism. But you have to understand that seeing a hastily-written post about how to rig something with limited resources is going to make a lot of people understandably nervous. If you're actually trying to do what you've written above, and have to ask those questions, then with all due respect, I think you need to find someone more qualified than yourself to do it and/or teach you. Also, not to suggest that learning from books is a suitable substitution for learning on the job, but if you're really interested in this field, Harry Donovan's book Entertainment Rigging provides very detailed answers to a lot of the questions you have, and I'd highly recommend picking up a copy.
Agreed, I've been watching these with steadily increasing concern. Almost makes me miss the old days when any threads like this would be shut down instantly. Not that I'm advocating going back to that point, but it makes it very clear why that was the policy here for so long.

Dagger, I think we'd all feel a little more comfortable if you'd provide some background behind all of these questions. Looking through your post history, I wonder if maybe you're trying to break into rigging, and posting these questions here is more of a "I saw this on a job, is there a smarter/better/safer way to do it?" If that's the case, I'm sure people would be much more willing to help out and provide constructive criticism. But you have to understand that seeing a hastily-written post about how to rig something with limited resources is going to make a lot of people understandably nervous. If you're actually trying to do what you've written above, and have to ask those questions, then with all due respect, I think you need to find someone more qualified than yourself to do it and/or teach you. Also, not to suggest that learning from books is a suitable substitution for learning on the job, but if you're really interested in this field, Harry Donovan's book Entertainment Rigging provides very detailed answers to a lot of the questions you have, and I'd highly recommend picking up a copy.

Like I have said in my other post I have seen it on shows I worked and I thought it looks sketchy .

Just wanted to see people's opinion on wrong things and how to do it properly.
Like I have said in my other post I have seen it on shows I worked and I thought it looks sketchy .

Just wanted to see people's opinion on wrong things and how to do it properly.
Even with in depth explanations on how to do it properly, you can't teach someone how to rig over the internet. All the math and information aside, you need someone to get hands on with it in person.
Can I motor be hanged
Like this?


That is the original place that picture is from. Its from a firefighter blog. Not the same thing as what we do. I have a buddy who is a SPRAT III and trains people in tower climbing. He came up through entertainment rigging and get really good at rope access. He still won't fly people. What general industry does and what rescue squads do is very different from what we do. Our tolerance are MUCH higher. General industry rigs 5:1. Rescue squads rig 2:1 to 5:1. We rig 8:1. 10:1 if its over patrons. Don't take info from a firefighter on how to do entertainment rigging. Its not even close to the same thing.
Perhaps some more in depth information? Why do you need us to post these pictures? Certainly if you're dealing with this sort of thing you have at least one or two texts to reference? I don't think you're going to get much action with your initial pitch. Help us to help you.
I took this pic just so to see the wrap of the spanset and usage of steel .

I keep looking at it noticed something off.

Do you notice it?
(Scroll down for my thought )

Is the truss sideways ????
Never seen a truss used like that apex should be on the sides not on the top , am I correct?


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