Conventional Fixtures Philips 7021G 575W 115V LL FastFit


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Got a call from a customer today about the above lamp. Nobody can get his specified lamp from any suppliers he has contacted. If a link on the Philips website he sent me is still active, it's still probably available to order and not to worry abought getting more. After discussions, these are probably for some Strand later than SL series Leko's which he is having a challenge in getting lamps for which I don't have notes for lamp or fixture type.

Lamps problem I have outreached to my suppliers to solve in getting them and that will get done in supplying the lamps - what ever they turn out to be, or a upgrade if needed. More about the fixture, what probably last generation named' "Leko" is using this lamp? I suspect it's also 750w rated, so if the 575w long life is discontinued, at least the 750w version is available. I have no idea of what fixture he is lamping up.

Any idea in general of the Strand Leko series using a PGJX-50 base at 115v, 575w and long life lamp?


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Got a call from a customer today about the above lamp. Nobody can get his specified lamp from any suppliers he has contacted. If a link on the Philips website he sent me is still active, it's still probably available to order and not to worry abought getting more. After discussions, these are probably for some Strand later than SL series Leko's which he is having a challenge in getting lamps for which I don't have notes for lamp or fixture type.

Lamps problem I have outreached to my suppliers to solve in getting them and that will get done in supplying the lamps - what ever they turn out to be, or a upgrade if needed. More about the fixture, what probably last generation named' "Leko" is using this lamp? I suspect it's also 750w rated, so if the 575w long life is discontinued, at least the 750w version is available. I have no idea of what fixture he is lamping up.

Any idea in general of the Strand Leko series using a PGJX-50 base at 115v, 575w and long life lamp?

These are expensive buggers!
Thanks both in never seen one before.

Next question for the customer is if it's convertible to HPL lamp socket assembly assuming the lamp type is "currently available" but might as he has found is hard to find or discontinued.
Thanks both in never seen one before.

Next question for the customer is if it's convertible to HPL lamp socket assembly assuming the lamp type is "currently available" but might as he has found is hard to find or discontinued.
I highly doubt you can convert the back-end of the fixture to take a HPL socket, however at almost $50/bulb and the falling price of real Source Fours on the used market, new(used) fixtures are only 3 bulb changes away.
Hi All,

The best bet is to replace those fixtures. Philips is the only one who was making the lamp that I am aware of (we made it for a very short period back in 2012 (?), and later discontinued it due to lack of market. I think we might have sold 40 pieces in a year and a half. Philips Strand didn't sell many of the fixtures, and the super-high price for what was basically a GLC lamp in a fastfit base ($44 dollars vs. $15(?) for a GLC) made the fixture lose traction and upset a lot of people who bought them. Now that Philips no longer makes Specialty Halogen lamps (They announced getting out last February), I don't know anyone who makes this lamp, so you may not be able to find replacements at all. The volumes are so low that OSRAM won't be making them, so I second the suggestion you buy a few Source Fours to replace your inventory of LekoLites.
Did a quick shopping, found one vendor selling (dearler price) $70.00 per lamp for the six at 750w they had.... (and ntherei of the two were vendors one might assume in price gouging - didn't even call them.) Another vendor had like 12 of each 750 and 575wLL at a decent normal price. Six more vendors were either quick with a no, or confused in taking a lot of time to figure out what I was asking for but in end result zero lamps.

Mark, well.. that about puts the final word on the lamp type. Thanks for the info and in me also asking Osram plans for the lamp. I had heard Osram might start making the lamnp from a vendor (the over priced one), but I asked one of your assistants in chain command in not bugging you directly. Mark is a very important person, and thanks for his atteion to outreach in customer support like on this website. Thanks for the clarification above though for all.

I ended up pulluing up the fixture manual and fully reading it. It's a respectiable lighting fixture, Strand is well known for their optics quality. Slight improvement on bench focus technique over a 360Q, but not as easy as a S-4 which I'm not a fan of given some instances where I just could not bench focus, and or seized bench focus assemblies. I don't bench focus a lot of S-4 Leko's for a living, but when I do I am not impressed.
That said the whole concept of bench focus is somewhat outdated. Lamp quality and standards has improved to the point that mostly if you need to install a replacement lamp, as long as it's properly seated, it will be at the prior bench focus.

I than contacted Strand directy about the issue. Basically what was said from the tech support from Stand is that we hackve lots of these lamps in stock! S o if you have the fixture, just by the lamps thru the fixture dealier at this point. You might have to tell the Strand dealer that they can buy the lamps as many Strand dealers my customer called before me said they could not get the lamps. Strand seemingly bought out all remaining stock of this lamp and it should given what dealer price I was given... be cheaper than what I was told by another dealer "that's lower in price than my cost was."

Finally my Strand vendor rep. finally caught up to my inquries and confirmed what the help line said that I was a Strand Dealer (news to me) and answered sort of the question I had about this discontinued lamp. This fixture is going HPL in upgrade. There is a upgrade TBA coming out for it. I was told a date for that upgrade but it was something like 10D which made no sense. I requested a sample of the upgrade and will get with my client when it comes in. Some thoughts on how expensive the upgrade should be I will hold off on... (free).

But at least there is a lamp and future of fixture answer defined.
Ship, you flatter me. I'm only an important person in my own mind, and only when I'm in one of those rare, good self-image days. :) That's great to hear that they are going to come out with a retrofit for it. Agreed that the fixture itself and the optics (the Former Vari-lite R&D team behind the VL3500 Wash, the VLX, and the PL1 are the optical folks that designed the fixture for Strand, so it's no surprise) were very good. Disney has a lot of the fixtures, so they are likely the 800lb. Gorilla that is forcing them to come out with a "keep this fixture alive" solution, which is great for everyone else who has them.
S-4 line is going away in the coming years.. developed in the 90's - they are going LED. Is this to say that optics of the 90's are also obsolete?
S-4 line is going away in the coming years.. developed in the 90's - they are going LED. Is this to say that optics of the 90's are also obsolete?
I am continually surprised everytime I "discover" - like I did a couple of weeks ago meeting in the town square at the factory - how many they still produce. Going away - aren't we all - but I'm not expecting that announcement soon for either the S4 or me.
I am continually surprised everytime I "discover" - like I did a couple of weeks ago meeting in the town square at the factory - how many they still produce. Going away - aren't we all - but I'm not expecting that announcement soon for either the S4 or me.
Agreed. The S4 series will be the last standing tungsten fixture family in the industry, and the fixture is upgradeable to a LED light engine with the Source4WRD, so existing inventories can expect decades more life. It seems likely to me that the next few years will see the prices of the Source 4WRD and the Source Four LED drop significantly which will continue to make these fixtures attractive for applications where you don't need or want a moving fixture.
And there are a large number of venues that will simply continue the incandescent and dimmer practice for many years, and continue to replace and augment what they have. And ignoring progress and technology, its hard to compare a slow incandescent fade with the best an LED can do and not feel we are losing a bit of the beauty of lighting. That glowing filament that dims to almost candle like light is hard to match.
I am continually surprised everytime I "discover" - like I did a couple of weeks ago meeting in the town square at the factory - how many they still produce. Going away - aren't we all - but I'm not expecting that announcement soon for either the S4 or me.
Altman sold the 360Q for 41 years (1974-2015), so 1992+41= another 15 years?
And there are a large number of venues that will simply continue the incandescent and dimmer practice for many years, and continue to replace and augment what they have. And ignoring progress and technology, its hard to compare a slow incandescent fade with the best an LED can do and not feel we are losing a bit of the beauty of lighting. That glowing filament that dims to almost candle like light is hard to match.
For many venues, the energy savings of LED makes no sense, either. My church auditorium is lit 4 hours per week. It's pretty hard to make the financial case for LED at that usage level - some of our conventional lamps may last longer than the calendar life of some LED technology. :)
For many venues, the energy savings of LED makes no sense, either. My church auditorium is lit 4 hours per week. It's pretty hard to make the financial case for LED at that usage level - some of our conventional lamps may last longer than the calendar life of some LED technology. :)
If you have an existing incandescent install and are not planning to make significant changes - as in many more lights - upgrade to LED will never be cost effective. Especially a church or theatre where labor is considered "no-cost" because its volunteers and students. Possible artistic reasons to augment with LED, but change over only when the lamps are completely unavailable if money is the issue.

I'd say today in new build, LED might be less expensive than incandescent, certainly not more expensive significantly.
I think I would make a strong argument about the 1980s axial leko lites disagreeing with the above. :p

In all seriousness though, I'll further agree with the notion of buying Source Fours that others have expressed.

I made a reply mostly about the question of optics of something from the 80's obsolete in pointing out early 90's fixtures are perhaps now same in class or obsolete also for argument of debate in why is this such a thing should be considered obsolete.
>> "And ignoring progress and technology, its hard to compare a slow incandescent fade with the best an LED can do and not feel we are losing a bit of the beauty of lighting."

It's sad that "losing a bit of the beauty of lighting" is considered progress [sic].

I have a guaranteed solution for anyone facing issues with LED fixtures that can't dim perfectly, are very heavy, don't hit the right color points or have a full spectrum, have noisy fans that need cleaning and replacing, are expensive, have different hue colors production lot to production lot, etc.

It's called, the Tungsten Halogen lamp. Sure, it's not as efficient and uses more energy-- but the lighting is simply better.
I am continually surprised everytime I "discover" - like I did a couple of weeks ago meeting in the town square at the factory - how many they still produce. Going away - aren't we all - but I'm not expecting that announcement soon for either the S4 or me.

You have to know that ETC has an allergic reaction to discontinuing products and leaving our customers in the lurch. It's just not in our corporate DNA.

The availability of the HPL lamp will be the gating factor, if there is one.


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