Strip Lights As Top Light

"A camel, is a horse by commitee."

Ive seen a lot of these upgrades or installs get totally ruined by what the suppliers want to get rid of for what price, what the achitect used 30 years ago, and what the client feels they can afford.

No one ever sits the client down and shows them that they will gain the money back thru energy efficiency, lamp life, and usability.
That is because many times the ones designing or buying have no clue what they are buying or why. I did a lighting install on a stage in my home building. I have over 35yrs in the business and the building had a sound guy design and purchase the equipment before I was brought into the project. The bulk of what he did was fine, S4 Jrs on the FOH electric, S4 fresnels on the stage electrics and an Express for a board. The bad part was instead of a regular dimmer rack he used an architectural rack so it can have stupid proof presets for the maintainence and catering people to use. Then he used 9 scoops across the upstage electric. First the stage isn't that big, it has a black rear wall and he burned up dimmers for lights that do nothing.
A prime example of ties hiring somebody that doesn't really know or understand the needs of a preformance space.
The guy they used is a great guy that worked cheap but ....
I used to use them especially for night scenes but also to supplement what was primary or key lighting. Would still at times and do similar to the photo above in at times it’s a great wash, just not at times useful for location lighting. Can’t light as well only acting area A’ persay with X-ray, cyc or borarder lights persay. I’ll stay out of the Fresnel verses Parnel verses Leko needs in general overhead usefulness needs at this point in cocept as with a PAR can use by way of fixture per acting area and one will never replace my lingering as the lights go down ACL or top hatted Fresnel in spot for that final moment of a play.. This plus I have almost now 20 years of professional experience in being called crazy at times by those above me in making the final decision for high ticket stuff until I a few years ago started getting some trust on some stuff at least that seems cool but in the end becomes a dog to work with or cost in-efficient as per my concerns. Still crazy but understood to be crazy in far reaching concerns that most often are accurate. “Thank you for your hard work” often the killer to any thought out rationed thoughts on the subject that is also a bad thing to hear in response.

If not useful as a wash of light from above, look at it this way, you now have a lot of lighting to light the cyc from above and below plus if needed also provide above, foot and side light as necessary. Hmm, front torm side light as a cyc light... can be useful say for dance in blending as with the first row for this. Dancing in and out of shadows no matter if theater or dance is harsh. Also useful for night scenes in providing washed illumination yet one that is not persay focused.

Yes, other lighting equipment for top light are more useful for overall use and effect but such fixtures overall are not cheap and you now have at least in assuming three rows of them, both top light and ground row cyc light plus more banks for other purposes. Stand them up against a wall and tie them off when not in use and say thanks, now I need real stage lighting. Or leave them in place if you have enough pipes and power than use them for the common teacher designed presentations.

Less a question about the cyc light provided in perhaps someone not asking the LD in residence what he or she needs, more about what else do you need for productions now and if you have enough circuits above head to deal with it. Cheap solution for lighting the bean counters like but not one that was designed for a theater. I trust the stage management didn’t have much of a role and a theater consultant was not hired in this new space.

Less about the thanks for the banks of lights, more about if you now have enough circuits above the stage and gear to light with once the cyc lights are left in place or removed for better purposes... and or sold off and traded for other gear later.

Find someone that approved of the new stage, take them on stage and hand them a modern stage lighting book in asking them to read it and point up. Ask under normal modern stage lighting techniques how you light the stage with such stuff? Sure you can do it but state that you might need more supplemental gear if not also dimmer channels above the stage now that its done.

Never know, might get somewhere with such a way of going about such a thing as SNAFU being solved but most likely will have to make the best out of it.

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