Identify a Light Box??


Active Member
I am trying to identify a 2' by 3' box hanging in the front catwalk of our original theater in my school (we have 2 theaters so the current teacher has no idea). This box has an approx. 6" by 4" opening with a large lamp and something that looks like a mechanical shutter. No DMX or controller just a plug. It is not pointed at the stage and is on the side of the catwalk that is further from the stage. See the attached sketch. Can anyone identify what this fixture of box? Is it a strobe? Any ideas??

I agree, a photo is in order. Something doesn't sound right. A 2'x3' box with an opening of 4"x6"? The only thing I can think of is a temporary worklight used during construction that was never removed. Is the plug a standard 5-15 Edison?
I agree, a photo is in order. Something doesn't sound right. A 2'x3' box with an opening of 4"x6"? The only thing I can think of is a temporary worklight used during construction that was never removed. Is the plug a standard 5-15 Edison?

Yes but all plugs in this theater are standard 5-15 Edison (there is a reason why we got a new one). No pics for a while but i will draw a sketch of the box and insides from what I remember.

Here is the sketch.
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I'm going to take a wild guess here, but does it also have any additional inputs on it? Could it be an IR light for a hearing assistance system?
If it's got gears, and judging by the sheer size of it, I'm going to guess that it is either an old "color wheel" or perhaps a very early or home built "scene machine". Back in the old days it was quite common to use a rotating disk, usually mounted in front of a par lamp, as a "color Wheel" the disk would have several holes in it, each about 4.5 " in diameter, slightly larger than a par lamp. You would turn them on, the motor ran off the current supplied to the lamp, the wheel would turn the wash color would slowly change as each cell came in front of the lamp. I've never seen one with shutters on it. or one that was quite that large. But who knows ? Maybe you have a relic right out of the 60's there.
If it's got gears, and judging by the sheer size of it, I'm going to guess that it is either an old "color wheel" or perhaps a very early or home built "scene machine". Back in the old days it was quite common to use a rotating disk, usually mounted in front of a par lamp, as a "color Wheel" the disk would have several holes in it, each about 4.5 " in diameter, slightly larger than a par lamp. You would turn them on, the motor ran off the current supplied to the lamp, the wheel would turn the wash color would slowly change as each cell came in front of the lamp. I've never seen one with shutters on it. or one that was quite that large. But who knows ? Maybe you have a relic right out of the 60's there.

Theater was opened in 1972 (with the school) I will try to get photos and see if I can open it.
This device looks like it was quite bad at whatever it was meant to do, judging by the fact that it never took off...anyone else have a giant box with a tiny hole in it in THEIR theatre?

That looks to me like an old incandescent medium or mogul prefocus fresnel lamp, which doesn't help...we knew it was old already.

I'm going to ask the obvious...have you tried plugging it in?
Maybe try plugging it in and seeing what happens? Really thats all I can think of to test it.
Some strange sort of flood light? That's about all it would be useful for now.. I'm curious what it looks like on the inside.

Maybe try plugging it in and seeing what happens? Really thats all I can think of to test it.
I too vote for video taping. If anyone's touched the lamp in the last couple years, it probably won't last long. How do lamps like dust?

I too am intrigued right now. I'll be curious to know if anyone can identify this.
I would NOT plug it in if I were least not without it being in a PROPER test enviroment away from flammables/combustables, and especially not while it's still in the air.

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