Avolites Pearl Expert questions


The Royal Renaissance Man
Premium Member
EDIT: Never mind, the show just got canceled, budget fell through, apparently I need to find better jobs. Of course, if anyone happens to know the answer I'm still curious.

Hi guys, I was looking for this information but I couldn't seem to find it anywhere reliably and thought I'd see if any of you guys/gals knew.

I have been prospectively hired to design an event and the venue the company is looking at has an Avolite Pearl Expert, I was wondering if there is an offline editor for it, I only saw the Pearl 2004 OLE, and then the console software for the expert. I'm currently sans Windows so I couldn't test them out to see if one of them was the correct OLE.

I am also wondering if it is possible to hook up the Pearl Expert to a visualizer, other than the Avolite visualizer? I'm specifically looking for Wyg, or ESP Vision connectivity, I've read it's possible for the Pearl 2004, but I haven't found anything specifically for the Expert. Though assuming that the Pearl Expert is based on the Pearl 2004 software I'm hoping it would work in some form.
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I found out that I would need this to connect to a visualizer. I still don't know about the OLE though.

The pearl expert runs different software than the 2000/2004. I know the expert does support eithernet, so you should be able to network the console with a computer running a visualizer. The ACDI only works with the older consoles (pre expert, pearl 2008/2010)
The Pearl Expert (running either the Classic or the Titan OS) outputs 12 universes of Art-Net, so it will interface with any visualizer that receives Art-Net. Thus, you are not limited to using just ACDI.

I have really enjoyed using LightConverse as my visualizer with the Expert, which can interpret many protocols including (but not limited to) Art-Net, ACDI, sACN, Hog-Net, and MAnet. It looks beautiful and renders moving fixtures and tungsten dimming curves quite accurately.
Visualiser is built into the Pearl Expert, and is accessed in different ways depending on whether you are running Classic or Titan.
In Classic, hold down the Avo key, and the bottom softkey will read "show vis".
In Titan, hit View, and the top 2 softkeys will read "show" and "hide" vis. You will need an external monitor connected to the console to see Visualiser, but we always recommend using a monitor with the Expert anyway, as so many of the functions are accessed through the VDU.

We have not yet released an offline editor for Titan, at the moment the software is not yet secure enough when not in the consoles. We want very much to avoid the situation we have with the Pearl 2010 series where the Chinese have stolen our software and are producing copies of our consoles and selling them as our own. We recognise the need for an offline editor, and once version 3 is out come the end of March, then we will be working on getting one out. As V3 will change the interface of the software anyway, we did not want to release one only to have to change it this year.

Hope this helps!

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