Backup Console Option

You may also want to take a look at this as an entry station:

Preset 10 Architectural

Already was, I mentioned that in my first post.

This may be out of your price range, but this looks (on paper) to be an extremely flexible and capable system, with plenty of room for expansion:

Strand Outlook and Vision Net.



Slider stations/touchscreens can be wall or console mounted.

Strand Architectural

(.PDF warning)

This is probably a very expensive system, though it can be integrated one piece at a time. If I were designing a theatre and money was no object, I'd give this system a close look.

Way out of the scope of this project. Install alone on a system like that can be 10-20k. In my building triple that because its one giant single pour concrete egg.

I'm not quite parsing the description of where your existing controls are, but you might want to take a look at Doug Fleenor's line. They do have small architectural style controls that will hold a few scenes, and that interact nicely with controlling house lights from a console.

( Going from memory here ). One that I liked was a small box with a few buttons for presets. (I think it is the preset 10). Your DMX from the board goes through the device. If you are getting DMX signal from the board, it is passed through to the dimmers. If there is no DMX signal, then the preset 10 sends it's signals to the dimmers.

So when you fire up your board, the preset 10 stops telling the house lights what to do. When you turn it off, it starts controlling output. This is not completely clear from the manual on line, but it is how Doug explained it to me.

Also, mentioned that in the first post. The downfall of that system is it only works when you lose DMX, not something I want with this system.

So, I ended up finding a used Reflection unit from a production house in Montreal. Bought it for 345 shipped on Ebay. So, I ask again, why is no one making this thing anymore? It is exactly what a backup console should be.
Looking to pick up a backup console/houselight control. Right now I am looking at the DFD Preset portable. However, I would really like something that works as a pile-on (HTP) unit instead of a straight backup. It will work, but its not ideal and the preset 2 is a bit out of the price range. Really, something like the old ETC Reflection unit would be perfect, though they are no longer made as far as I know. So, whats out there for under a grand that will do pile on, has a few saved scenes, and doesn't take up a ton of space?

Hey there Footer!

By Preset 2, I assume you mean the Preset10-A2. Yes, that version does pile on, and would work for your application, but it's typically listed at a hair over a grand, so it doesn't quite fit within your budget. I know you did your research, and I just confirmed everything in your original post. Thanks for looking at our stuff! If you have any more questions, let me know!
So, I ask again, why is no one making this thing anymore? It is exactly what a backup console should be.

They do. Smartfade.

If I had to guess, it's probably cheaper for ETC to do the same thing in the Smartfade box then to build a new version of Reflection, even though (and I agree with you) that the simplicity of Reflection, as well as size, is what makes it attractive for what it does. Plus, the Smartfade 1248 can be had for less then $1200, which isn't much more (if at all) for what a Reflection sold for new. And you get a patchable console out of it.
Hey there Footer!

By Preset 2, I assume you mean the Preset10-A2. Yes, that version does pile on, and would work for your application, but it's typically listed at a hair over a grand, so it doesn't quite fit within your budget. I know you did your research, and I just confirmed everything in your original post. Thanks for looking at our stuff! If you have any more questions, let me know!

Yup. Also, the unit does not come in a portable version which I need for this application. Otherwise, it would have been perfect.

And yes, the smartfades does act as a pretty good backup console. However, its out of my price range for this project. Also, size and simplicity really does matter in this situation.
Yup. Also, the unit does not come in a portable version which I need for this application. Otherwise, it would have been perfect. ...
You would have been willing to sacrifice sliders? And have every fade a fixed rate?
You would have been willing to sacrifice sliders? And have every fade a fixed rate?

Derek, I pondered this choice - fader box or button box as well, when we installed our "modern architectural control system (Unison/Paradigm)", way back in '04. I ended up with LCD touch screens for all house light functions, building 3 pages - Orchestra, Orch/Mezz or All House, with all fade rates at 5 seconds. I did build half, hi-glow, lo-glow and out stops so we have pretty good choices and in truth, I anticipated that visiting companies would want the refinement of different levels or timings that a fader allows. In reality, nobody has needed or asked for anything different. I usually get the question "Are house lights on the console or a separate system ?" and when I show them the Unison LCD page(s) they have been totally OK with it.

Now mind that my systems allows for something like 18 presets for assorted house and curtain warmer functions, which is not available on a 10 preset box, but I did learn that folks aren't as choosy sometimes as I thought they would be and I can always put stuff on the console. Fortunately, the recent software release on Ion makes for easier house light control using shielded subs, something not available on Express, so I feel Mr. and Mrs. Footers pain. Hoping they can get an Ion in the near future.
You would have been willing to sacrifice sliders? And have every fade a fixed rate?

Happy, not totally, but it would have been doable. I need something dead simple that a cleaner can come in and operate. If they saw a real console back there, they would not have done well. For the price, it would have worked. I was not crazy about the leviton unit, it felt a little bit too chinese to me.

Hoping they can get an Ion in the near future.

The second the express goes away is the same day we get either a Chamsys or GrandMA (or whatever Steph wants, if she had her way we would have a Chamsys or a 520i). We do enough concert lighting to warrant a moving light console. Though if we actually replace the console, its going to be part of a huge capital project that is going to involve a 6 month shut down and both spaces will be hit at the same time. The way the spaces are layed out physical plant wise there is no way one theatre can be shut down with the other operating. I'm not really itching for a new console, the express is the newest piece of gear in the rig. Steph pretty much spends her whole life banging on old strand Lekos.

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