Ceremony Lighting


Hello, I have been asked by my old high school to assist with their annual induction of National Honors Society. They want me to add some neat/new things to do with lighting so that it's not the same old boring ceremony year after year. It still has to remain a very formal event. I have access to basic conventional lights (source 4's, pars, par 64's, fernels, etc) and I also have RGB+UV LED wash lights. My question, besides any suggestions you have to add to the ceremony, is what kind of lighting I should use to light the speaker at the podium. What combination of front/back/up/down lighting should I use with what fixtures and what color should I gel the conventionals or make the LED's. Here is the basic set up and where I have to hang lights:

  • A table centerstage that has candles that will be lit during the ceremony.
  • A podium stage right.
  • A black traveler closed directly upstage of the table and podum.
  • The entire apron of the stage has to be lit at some point as the inductees come across the stage.
Lighting positions avaible
  • 1 onstage electric (directly downstage of the traveler)
  • 1 catwalk bar
  • 2 box booms on either house wall (I'd prefer to not use these if possible since I have to use scaffolding to get to them as the isles are all ramps)
Any advice you could be willing to give about anything to do with this ceremony would be more than appreciated!!
Whatever you do keep it simple.

Maybe add some up light on your back wall with your LEDs. Honestly this amazes people a lot.

Put up a front wash for the walkers

And blast the podium with the rest.

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