Focus Notes Question

Neon Ninja

Can i ask what this focus notes mean i really can not wrap my brain around it and i bet its easy haha
  • FILL <\
  • FT ML
  • X/LT < D
  • WM </
  • MOAT < DL
They're indications of the purpose of each light. In all honesty, you'd have to ask the designer.

But, to take a stab at each:

"Fill <\" would be a fill light (ie, not the key or principal light) from stage left; but possibly stage right. I've known different designers who use that arrow designation both ways (from stage left or from stage right.) The slash indicates that the angle of light isn't a true side or high side, but more from in front at an angle.

"Ft Ml" might possible be front light for mid-stage left.

"X/Lt < D" would be "cross-light" from the same direction as the fill light above. "D" could mean a number of different things.

"Wm </" would be a warm, from the same side as before, opposite angle as the fill.

"Moat < DL" would refer to a set area, possibly specific to the play; but I've also heard "moat" refer to the area downstage of a raised platform, usually in a full lane from stage left to stage right. "In 1," as it were. So, sidelight for the moat, specifically hitting the downstage left portion.

But really, your best bet is to ask the designer. You can use it as a good prompt to ask other questions about the design intent for the show, hopefully bridge any other uncertainties in language or terminology, and gain some insight into the designer's process.

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