Leafs/brushes noise

Hello CB,

I have been selected as the Sound Design at one of shows here at our venue. I haven't had any problems with what the directors request yet (its about 7 or 9 mini performances) there is just this one sound effect that I have a idea to go about it but I want to hear but others think or if they been in my position before and what worked for them. The sound effect is leaves crunching/someone moving through brushes like shaking them They want to do this live.
My Idea: Get a bunch of leaves, sticks, parts of brushes. when the time calls for the cue I would start to break the sticks step on the leaves and shake the brushes. I know know like the best idea and can be a done cleaner.

Thanks in advance
if you're ok with a canned effect you could just record yourself doing that in advance and then play back your recording when it was time for the performances.
I vote for live over canned.

Put a tarp down. Stand on the tarp and make the sound you like.
I would try it as sometimes the real thing through a mic and your system may not actually sound realistic and may need processing, added effects, etc. to sound convincing. Or you may find something like scrunching a plastic grocery or department store bag may be able to be made to sound just as real and be a lot easier to work with.

I remember having a 'discussion' with the director of a Civil War battlefield documentary. He kept saying that the cannon didn't sound right. I got a couple of reenactors that had experience firing similar cannon to give their opinion and they said that it sounded right to them. We finally realized the Director was expecting his "...and the morning was torn asunder" to be followed by a big, dramatic, rolling boom rather than the sharper report that the cannon actually made. His idea of the "real" sound was how he envisioned it sounding, not how it actually sounded.
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Check out "freesound.org". I often some useful stuff there.
Point out that if it needs to be mic'd for the audience to hear it, there will be no audio difference between live and canned (except you won't have a live mic that can pick up noises other than your leaves). If they say it needs to be live so as to be "in the moment", ask if you'll be able to see the stage from your position. If not, you may not be able to get 'in the moment' unless the person who cues you is very quick.

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