Lighting a pillow on fire.


Well-Known Member
In a scene in a play that i am working on, an actor sets a pillow on fire. The effect can just be smoke, but the pillow should smoulder and smoke for about a minute...
Any suggestions on how to do this?
I have used items similar to this in the past. It may be helpful in this instance as well. There are several types available, for different time intervals. Caution. These will set off smoke detectors, that's what they are made for.
I have used items similar to this in the past. It may be helpful in this instance as well. There are several types available, for different time intervals. Caution. These will set off smoke detectors, that's what they are made for.

These look a LOT like the smoke cartridges from I have used those (the cartridges) before. They burn hot, burning off on the stage floor was ok. Not so sure about built into a soft thing like a pillow. The ignition is either with igniters or cannon fuse which is what we used.

Question for Van: how were yours started, or set off? And did they burn hot? Thanks.

Got a couple questions that will affect how I answer your questions.

What is the action involving the pillow? Does it get waived around? Or...Does it just lie in place on the bed or sofa or where-ever? How is it dealt with before the "gag", tossed around, lay in place without being moved or touched, hits an actor over the head, etc.? How is it dealt with after the "gag"? If there is a lot of action before and/or after, can the pillow be secretly switched out?

Second, is there a licensed pyro person in your area that you can work with to obtain and properly use pyro products? The reason I ask is that some of the best products are available right there in California, but will only be sold to a licensed Pyro Tech. I'm certain there is someone in the San Francisco area, you just have to find them.

That said, the Theatrefx products are a good product and a strong possibility for your effect. Another possibility is AB smoke. There are many sources, here is one:

Also, as mentioned before, virtually all the candidates for this gag will indeed activate particulate smoke detectors if proximity and/or volume is sufficient.
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The pillow is "set on fire", and then waived under a sleeping actors face to wake him up and startle him.
I have a Pyro guy I work with. I will run this unit by him.

Safety is the number one concern here. I will cut the bit if we cannot do it safely.

Great input! Thanks!
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You don't say what happens to the pillow after it is waived under the actors face, however, it sounds like what ever is used to effect the gag can be pre set from the top of the show. How long from the "waive" until a chance to extinguish or remove the burning gimmick?

At any rate, if you've got a pyro person in mind, look into
Smoke Cookies
Fire Effects and Prevention - Page 2 also has some other possibilities.
Hi Michael,
I am not sure what the blocking is after the actor waives the pillow. I will discuss this with the director.
Thanks for the link., any idea how a smoke cookie is activated?


You don't say what happens to the pillow after it is waived under the actors face, however, it sounds like what ever is used to effect the gag can be pre set from the top of the show. How long from the "waive" until a chance to extinguish or remove the burning gimmick?

At any rate, if you've got a pyro person in mind, look into
Smoke Cookies
Fire Effects and Prevention - Page 2 also has some other possibilities.

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