Design Maximizing my Cyc


I am looking for new ways to use the cyc. I typically awash it in color and use glass textured gobos as well. I am looking into the gobo rotators or the wheel rotating devices. I am trying to get a realistc cloudy sky effect. Any thoughts on best way, or solutions you have had in your shows? I am desingin Pride anf Prejudice right now and We are just flying in some windows and doors, so my cyc is my main visual behind the actors for the duration of the show. I am also looking into a starry night drop. Thanks for any suggestions!
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A Gam Film/FX (or similar devices from other manufacturers) might suit your needs.


The Gam website has some video of the various effects in action.

GAM : Film/FX Recipes
The GAM FilmFX unit is one of my favorite devices to turn to in situations such as this, along with gobo rotators with various types of gobos. I have also used projectors to accent the cyc, with one of my favorite looks from a black and white texture pattern, which then was washed with cyc lights. It added a lot of visual interest. It also freed up my FilmFX units for my favorite use of them, in shin kicker positions... but thats another story. Another fun thing to do is place a bunch of ERS units on the floor/on the farthest DS electric, and focus them in large, sweeping beams across the cyc. If you have DMX iris, you can then change beam size, or drop in gobos. If you have time and the space to work on it, come up with a pile of crazy ideas, and try them. Then choose which ones might be potential, and refine them until they are something you can put in a show. One summer I locked myself in the theater space for a full weekend and just messed with things, tried out looks, worked with the cyc, tried every gobo in our inventory, and every color we stocked, all types of lights, and tried unconventional stuff as well, pulling out lens tubes, working with shadows. I highly recommend this experience, one bit of advice is ask before you do it. You can try out stuff that no show will let you, and gain a few great ideas that you use every show.
Maybe you're already doing this, but if you can have a row of strip lights at the bottom of the cyc as well as the top, it gets you a lot more color, plus you can do the top and bottom in different colors that fade into each other.

I second (third?) the idea of the film/Fx for clouds.

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