Need advice on placement and installation of fixtures


Active Member
Hey everybody,
So it turns out that over spring break I'll be doing work in my high school auditorium. I guess that's what happens when your break is the week before your old school's tech week.

Since I've only got one week off, I'm trying to plan out everything beforehand. That way I'll be able to maximize efficiency. I've got two generic RGB cans and two Elation Opti RGB's that I'll be loaning until we get new equipment, and there's those two Technobeam's that I've always talked about in the past. I'm planning on installing all of these over the stage on the battens, and doing all the configuration on the "good old" Express board. There's already all the connections I need on the battens, and I've got a friend who's taking inventory so I know how many clamps, safety cables, and salvageable XLR's we have. So all the parts are taken care of (or will be).

The auditorium has four battens over the stage. The only one that I'm considering "off limits" is the upstage most one, which is fully covered by Altman strip lights- all three others are fair game. There's a DMX and 120v relay'd receptacles on the stage left end of each batten.

My current thoughts are to put the Opti RGB's on the downstage batten, as they should be able to nicely supplement washes from the existing Source4 PARNels. Then I think I should put the Technobeam's on the next batten up, which should allow them to cover most of the stage, without crowding the downstage batten. Then I feel that it's a safe bet to put the cheapo cans on the batten right below the cyc one, as they'll be able to give some ambient lighting, but I wouldn't trust them for front lighting.

If anybody has any feedback on my plan, I'd really appreciate it, as I don't have time to really to much trial and error. On top of that, if anybody has any tips for power distribution and programming, I'd be thrilled to hear them.

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