Control/Dimming Programming LED RBG Pars into a Mac

First off, generally when talking about systems it is better to talk about the flow from the IN to the OUT. So you really want to run a control from your MAC via dmx to your pars. Yeah, nitpicky on my part.
There are lots of options but two to consider:
Chamsys, it runs on PC, MAC and even Linux. They have a super cheap dongle to go from computer to dmx cable. I think it's $15 but it times out every 5 hours.
Since you are a student you might also consider ETC Nomad. They have a special bundle of the Nomad software (which includes both EOS and Cobalt versions) and a dongle which they call a gadget. It is $ 250.
Just to clarify, The ETC Student bundle includes an ETC Gadget which converts USB to DMX, and a 512 output dongle. From what I have seen this costs roughly $250. They are 2 separate parts, Gadget and Dongle.
ETC also sells the ETC Gadget separately. From what I have seen this also roughly costs $250.
The Dongle can be sold separately too. I don't know what it costs separately.

ETC Nomad which is the software able to run on personal PC or MAC is free to download and use in a non show environment (It will flash some/all lights every couple of minutes).
To use the software in a show environment you need the dongle.

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