Replacement for CK MR-16 ?


Well-Known Member
I was just told that Phillips/ CK is discontinuing their MR-16 line of dmx controlled RGB lamps.

Anyone have recommendations for an RGB LED fixture with a form factor similar to an MR -16 fixture which can be DMX controlled?

I don't believe this is true. I got out of a demo with Ken Bruns of CK less than 5 minutes ago, and he just told us they were developing a new LED RGB MR lamp. He's still here for another hour or so, if there's anything you want me to ask him?
You didn't hear it from me, but CK is getting back into the live production market in a big way.
What I heard later from my manufacturers rep is that CK had problems with the heat sink, is redesigning the unit ( but don't expect anything for 24 months) and is no longer making the old units.

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