Running standard AC extension cable near LX

I'm not TOO stressed with my raceway circuits, but its always easier when you don't really have to worry about running out of circuits. What kind of system would a professional house put in place to provide non-dim power if they were unable to re-assign current rack modules? Would they install a new rack capable of both dim an non-dim? Would they have an electrician install electrical outlets somewhere on their grid?

If I continue to run extensions from the stage up, the only portion of cable which experiences high-temperature use is the portion along the batten.

Would it be practically safe to use regular duty cable for the portion of the run between the outlet on the stage and the end of the batten, and then heavy duty cable along the batten itself? Would a fire marshall or AHJ have a problem with me doing this?

Continued thanks..

Depends how much money a "professional" theatre had, the last time they upgraded, and how much power they had available. Its really D) All of the above.

Again, I don't know Canadian code, but in the US, only type SOOW cable is to be used on stage with a few exceptions for type SJOOW (Break outs/ins and two-fers). If your extension cord is any type of SJT its NOT acceptable no matter where it is, batten or not. (Yes people use SJT, but this is and we advocate proper practices)

Stages constitute an extra hard usage environment with high temps only being one factor.
I'm not TOO stressed with my raceway circuits, but its always easier when you don't really have to worry about running out of circuits. What kind of system would a professional house put in place to provide non-dim power if they were unable to re-assign current rack modules? Would they install a new rack capable of both dim an non-dim? Would they have an electrician install electrical outlets somewhere on their grid?

For a non-installed solution, a professional house would probably buy a 120V Power Distro rack, park it offstage or on a midrail, then run cables from that to each electric. Something like the fourth product down on this page from Motion Labs might be appropriate for a smaller solution. For an installed solution, any of those you listed would be a possibility. As has been pointed out, in the US, you must only use SOOW cable on stage. Therefore, regardless of the fact that your cable won't be near any hot lights, the run up to the batten still needs to be SOOW. I unfortunately know nothing about Canadian electrical codes, so I can't help you there.

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