Is this too rude...?


Active Member
During the theater shows...I bring in my own sound gear to use on the show.

The theater department has the space excusivly reserved through all tech rehearsals and shows. 7am until 10pm.

In previous shows we've had issues with the tech department and/or the music department and/or video department taking MY personal equipment and moving it/using it. Yeah, its a public school...but I don't get it.

I'm thinking about putting tags on all my gear (none of my stuff is visible to the audience, so I'm not worried about that...) that say...

Maybe something shorter and more to the point? If all your gear is labeled (as it should be) then shouldn't "For use by authorized personnel only" suffice?

And maybe you should invest in a few chains/locks.
Maybe something shorter and more to the point? If all your gear is labeled (as it should be) then shouldn't "For use by authorized personnel only" suffice?

And maybe you should invest in a few chains/locks.

The problem is the tech staff thinks they ARE "authorized personel"....

Was the chain/locks comment mocking?
Lock the stuff up in your own box or road case if you can. or at least cover and tie the cover down, so your equipment is out of sight/out of mind.

Here's my issue with that, (respectfully), I don't WANT to, and shouldn't HAVE to lock my stuff up. I refuse to put my stuff away in between monday and tuesday night rehearsals. That's BS. I've done it before, and it's just pathetic. It bugs me.
Was the chain/locks comment mocking?

Not at all. With my personal gear it is either locked to something in a road case if I'm leaving it somewhere overnight or locked in my house. Either way, I'm the only person with the keys.

Maybe you should try talking to the principal of the school or on of the other "higher ups"?
Label your equipment clearly as "This is the property of William ____ " I would LOCK up my gear but that is just me--to each their own...

Then--next time you come in and find your equipment has been used and is missing---simple--bypass the school and call the cops directly and demand to file a report on the theft and or vandalism... Really--make a federal stinking case out of it...and play dumb that you don't know it was the music or other departments... The bru-haha and headache this may cause the Principle and subsequently others is going to be enough to get a hands-off policy put on your equipment.... Thats best case scenario of course.

Then again--given the issue you could always make the school submit an insurance form to you that they are responsible for it 'in case' and cover it etc...and stress it next time.

there is no mocking with chains and locks from my point of view. it is just the way things must be done at times.
good fences make good neighbors
good locks keep the honest people honest.

There is a reason why all my school's equipment is kept under lock and key even if no one is going to be in our auditorium. The number of times the music department has messed with our gear is ridiculous. I once found 10 patch XLR's connected together because they couldn't find any XLR, they then used our expensive mics and left them in the bottom of a crate. We have mic stands that end up in random places in our building, and you never know what our booth will be like when you go in. Moral of the story tag or label everything, and keep everything locked up. (with a key that the other departments don't have)
Leave your own gear at home. If you are worried about it, get something signed saying the gear will be replaced if lost/damaged/whatever. When I taught at the HS level, I made it a policy that none of my student brought in anything to be used for a given show. If the show needs something, they can rent it or buy it. Don't put your own money/gear on the line unless you are getting paid for it.
There is a reason why all my school's equipment is kept under lock and key even if no one is going to be in our auditorium. The number of times the music department has messed with our gear is ridiculous. I once found 10 patch XLR's connected together because they couldn't find any XLR, they then used our expensive mics and left them in the bottom of a crate. We have mic stands that end up in random places in our building, and you never know what our booth will be like when you go in. Moral of the story tag or label everything, and keep everything locked up. (with a key that the other departments don't have)

To bad some "smarty" high up gave the band director a master key....
Leave your own gear at home. If you are worried about it, get something signed saying the gear will be replaced if lost/damaged/whatever. When I taught at the HS level, I made it a policy that none of my student brought in anything to be used for a given show. If the show needs something, they can rent it or buy it. Don't put your own money/gear on the line unless you are getting paid for it.

While I agree with you, that IS NOT the point! Vandalism and theft are both illegal. If I want to bring my klark & technik compressors in for the show I've been hired into, I should be able to use them without worrying about the music department disconnecting them because its going to mess up the concert they're having in two months.

So, I respectfully disagree with you Footer. My stuff hasn't been destroyed (yet), they just disconnect it or move it around, and it pisses me off.
Here's my issue with that, (respectfully), I don't WANT to, and shouldn't HAVE to lock my stuff up. I refuse to put my stuff away in between monday and tuesday night rehearsals. That's BS. I've done it before, and it's just pathetic. It bugs me.
I would agree that you should not have to secure your equipment from "staff"
perhaps you could ask each of them directly to avoid using your equipment.

I think a sheet from home draped over your equipment will be a deterrent.
Is the stage used for band rehearsals during the day?
It sounds to me like your patch is interfering in normal daily operations "band rehearsals?"
can you make a record of the bands patch and restore that patch each night?
Is the stage used for band rehearsals during the day?
It sounds to me like your patch is interfering in normal daily operations "band rehearsals?"
can you make a record of the bands patch and restore that patch each night?

No, our rehearsals are not during the day...however...
Theatre department has the auditorium exclusively reserved:7AM-10PM for three weeks. Sorry band-you don't get to rehearse on stage during our run. Furthermore-why do you need the sound system to practice anyways?

For what it's worth, I DO re-patch everything. When the SHOW IS OVER. But apparently, that's not fast enough. First of all, they should even be in there to begin with.

And if they did need the sound system...why do their patches get precedence over mine? Are they more important? They get to leave their patches up year round. They have 3 concerts a year. We have 3 shows a year. I don't leave my stuff up year round, nor should they be able to. But I don't complain about putting their stuff back when I'm done. Can't they leave mine alone for 3 weeks while I'm in the middle of a show, besides-they aren't supposed to be in there during the day, when our show is going on. It's a three week period that we have the space reserved.
Is the stage used for band rehearsals during the day?
It sounds to me like your patch is interfering in normal daily operations "band rehearsals?"
can you make a record of the bands patch and restore that patch each night?

And on top of that (sorry I'm on a rant, not at YOU just in general)...

"normal daily operations" does NOT include "band rehearsals"....
You might also try telling them that this is your gear and that you want them to respect it. Then if any one does anything to it you have a right to get mad. Another thing you should is go to the head of the technical dept. and establish what happens if the stuff goes missing. If you are providing them with your gear then they have to agree to your terms.
While I agree with you, that IS NOT the point! Vandalism and theft are both illegal. If I want to bring my klark & technik compressors in for the show I've been hired into, I should be able to use them without worrying about the music department disconnecting them because its going to mess up the concert they're having in two months.

So, I respectfully disagree with you Footer. My stuff hasn't been destroyed (yet), they just disconnect it or move it around, and it pisses me off.

You can mark the gear all you want, if someone feels its their right to use the gear, they are going to use it. It either needs to be locked up in a rack or it needs to be out of the building. If you do not have control of the space, this is the only way to secure the gear.

Also, I have a feeling your space falls into the classroom/theatre slot. I am going to assume there is a reason the band is rehearsing on stage. Either they can not fit in their practice room or they don't have a proper practice room. This situation is more common then you think. Unfortunately, 99.9% of schools will rule in favor of the class that is part of the curriculum vs. an extra curricular activity. Faculty always wins. Classes during the regular school day always win.
This sounds like an issue that needs to be handled on an adult / staff level. Have you calmly made your case to your director / adviser? They should handle the issue with other staff members. And address it to the principal if it becomes a repeated problem.

I would never bring my own gear and leave it in a place in which I did not feel it was secure. It is not covered by the school's insurance policy (and getting them to add it is a ridiculous request). I agree you SHOULD be able to bring it in and use it with out worries, but the fact of the matter is that is how it goes some times, even in the professional world. I had over $5,000 of my own gear stolen from a gig once. Luckily I had it insured. It sucked, but I made sure I was covered and did not expect the house to cover it (since they were not renting it and it was just something I took upon myself to bring in to make my job easier).

Lidding up your rack or covering it with a sheet and making sure it is locked to the desk or work area (so it cannot grow legs and walk away) would be a smart idea. This is just protecting your investment.

And on top of that (sorry I'm on a rant, not at YOU just in general)...

"normal daily operations" does NOT include "band rehearsals"....

Normal daily operations does include band rehearsals, and sorry it doesn't matter if its your gear, in a public school if it interferes in anyway with another groups time on stage or what have you you are immedietly asked to remove that peice. it could be a flat you just painted and it might run if you move it but it still remains the same it must be moved. Although you may have a problem with them coming in and using the space its probably the director who says they can come in and use the space while they aren't in it.

so it comes down to, if you don't want it moved/used take your stuff, lock it up, hide in a corner. otherwise its students and honestly childish adults that grab stuff like that and use it.

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