Lighting Board for a high school - advice?

Hi everyone,

I've been tagged to find our school a new lighting console, as their Bijou board by Electronics Diversified has bit the dust. I'm not well-read in this particular area, but because I'm the IT guy, I get the task. =)

I'm looking for a modest-price board to swap out and be as much a simple swap out for the dead Bijou as possible. I was looking at the etc theatre control sf2496,

The patch for lighting in the back of the room has a DMX port and a HHR port. The unit provides a DMX connection, but not HHR. I've not been able to find what HHR does.

Any recommendations /advice would be appreciated. Keep in mind that this is for a high school stage, in a generic auditorium/cafeteria combo, so it doesn't have to be top of the line. We have 48 lights to control.

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Pretty simple, either go with the Smartfade or step up to the ETC Element. If you can swing it, the element is the console to get in this use case. The Bijou was a DMX based console, you should be able to drop any DMX console in there and go.
Thanks for the info, that answers the connectivity question. =) I'll run both boards by the business admin, and see what they want to go with. Obviously the better board would help prepare our students for the big leagues better. =)
What kind of shows do you have in the auditorium? How often will it be used? Do you do full musicals? Does the board have to get struck and put away, or is it permanently installed in a secure location?

If you're looking towards the future, you will quickly outgrow the smartfade. I wouldn't want to go smaller than the etc Element for any space with theatrical shows.

I'm not sure why B & H implies that you would need to buy a dimmer. Safe to assume you already have what you need to plug in the SF and go. But it is very shortsighted to not take this opportunity to upgrade to a more modern and easy to use console.

Edit: Footer beat me to it.
Stradivarius - I'm not entirely too sure, I only saw the Bijou disconnected on the floor and had the wall jack for the DMX and the mounted lights pointed out to me. So I'm going in pretty blind. =)
Ed - Mostly plays and musicals consisting of 20-30 member cast. the board does need to be struck and stored. the room is a multipurpose room - stage/theater, gym, cafeteria. The Element looks like the way to go for sure, it's just a matter of the powers that be wanting to bite the $5k bullet vs $1.5K, but I'll research the two and get some specs to push the better board.

Thanks all for the fast replies! You guys are great. =)
Ok, so there should be an electrical closet somewhere in the auditorium with either a rack or mounted electrical panels that all have breaker switches. Each light that is controlled by the board has a dimmer between it and the board. The DMX line from the board essentially tells the dimmers how bright to go. If you can find something that fits the bill and take a photo or describe a manufacturer, we can help further. How old is this building? With a cafetorium/gymnatorium setup, I'm betting a 2-scene would be suitable, but a bigger board will afford your students a greater educational opportunity as you said.
The etc element or etc ion is a nice swap in for a high school (I work at a high school as well...but its my job to do this stuff). This would be very little learning curve and allow them to get some practice for future ventures
Ok, so there should be an electrical closet somewhere in the auditorium with either a rack or mounted electrical panels that all have breaker switches. Each light that is controlled by the board has a dimmer between it and the board. The DMX line from the board essentially tells the dimmers how bright to go. If you can find something that fits the bill and take a photo or describe a manufacturer, we can help further. How old is this building? With a cafetorium/gymnatorium setup, I'm betting a 2-scene would be suitable, but a bigger board will afford your students a greater educational opportunity as you said.

There's an entire room seperate where the controls were supposed to be operated from, that's where the main audio system is housed. I'll check the panels in there. The building went through a massive building project in 2002, I imagine that's when the area was built/rebuilt. It all looks reasonably new-ish.

Gingerbread - Thanks for the suggestion. The element seems to be the reasonable solution, and I like the interface from the pictures I saw.
Off the top of my head, HHR might stand for Handheld Remote. Not entirely sure on that, though.

The dimmers you are looking for should either be cabinet-style, 19" rackmount, or wall-mount packs. They'll most likely visually stand out from the regular switchgear.
I noticed you said $5k just bought a new element for $4k so the powers at be might react slightly better since it's $1000 closer to the smart fade.

Via tapatalk
Honestly, I'd present them with the Element (and a few other similar options) first. If they REALLY throw a fit, offer the SmartFade. I don't think I'd show the two side-by-side because they will think it's a no-brainer and go with the cheapest one.
Off the top of my head, HHR might stand for Handheld Remote. Not entirely sure on that, though.

The dimmers you are looking for should either be cabinet-style, 19" rackmount, or wall-mount packs. They'll most likely visually stand out from the regular switchgear.

That sounds right, this is the expired hand held unit from our local high school's Bijou console-


  • Bijou HH.JPG
    Bijou HH.JPG
    157.3 KB · Views: 211
Honestly, I'd present them with the Element (and a few other similar options) first. If they REALLY throw a fit, offer the SmartFade. I don't think I'd show the two side-by-side because they will think it's a no-brainer and go with the cheapest one.

A wise friend of mine always told me to ask for twice as much as I actually needed when dealing with budgeting. They're always going to nickel and dime it, but if you double it chances are you'll get what you'll actually need! I have never failed when following his advice.

There's an entire room seperate where the controls were supposed to be operated from, that's where the main audio system is housed. I'll check the panels in there. The building went through a massive building project in 2002, I imagine that's when the area was built/rebuilt. It all looks reasonably new-ish.

Usually this is an actual electrical closet, often near or to one side of the stage. It doesn't necessarily have to be near where the control booth is. You're looking for a lot of power. If unsure, pictures can always help us help you.
If you want an exact replacement, the Element is your console. The smartfade is actually a BIG step down from the Bijou. The Bijou is basically a rip-off ETC Express... and the Element has replaced the expresses role in the world.

Give them the Element, play dumb for the rest of it. I guarantee they paid more then 4k for the Bijou new.
If you are allowed, buy a used ETC Express. It sounds like easy to program is important here, and the ETC Express is very similar to the bijou... except easier. They're going for <1k these days.
At this point, I couldn't in good conscious ever recommend to someone that they purchase an express. It's 25 year old technology. Yes, it was a great console, but to put it in perspective, it would be like recommending someone use a 286 with windows 3.1 as their desktop, just because it's cheap. The industry has (or is in the process of) moving on. Get an element. It's an industry standard, and supported by an industry leader. I can't say enough about ETC's technical support and willingness to help.
At this point, I couldn't in good conscious ever recommend to someone that they purchase an express. It's 25 year old technology. Yes, it was a great console, but to put it in perspective, it would be like recommending someone use a 286 with windows 3.1 as their desktop, just because it's cheap. The industry has (or is in the process of) moving on. Get an element. It's an industry standard, and supported by an industry leader. I can't say enough about ETC's technical support and willingness to help.

I absolutely could over a smartfade. If they can afford an element awesome, but if the other option is a smartfade or worse, I'd pick an express any day. Two professional theatres I work in still use expression family boards... theres 2 emphasis, 2 expressions 3s, and 1 express between them.
At this point, I couldn't in good conscious ever recommend to someone that they purchase an express. It's 25 year old technology. Yes, it was a great console, but to put it in perspective, it would be like recommending someone use a 286 with windows 3.1 as their desktop, just because it's cheap. The industry has (or is in the process of) moving on. Get an element. It's an industry standard, and supported by an industry leader. I can't say enough about ETC's technical support and willingness to help.

For running conventionals the express is fine, sure it's not a moving light console, but the element isn't much of one either.

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