Conventional Fixtures Aurora Groundrow Frames


My color person is requesting that I acquire some paper frames for out cyc groundrow so that she can leave the R104 framed up for the season.

We 14 Strand Aurora 4 cell fixtures measures 12 3/8 x 12 1/4 inches.

Anybody have any idea where I could get the material to make my own frames or if paper frames are available anywhere?

Here is the link to City Theatrical's MainFrame option. City Theatrical is more than happy to take on custom projects and usually has a very fast lead time (though they were hard hit by Sandy and are still getting back up to speed).

Hope this helps.

No advantage to a paper frame in this application. I use the City Theatrical MainFrames only because they hurt less when falling out of an overhead fixture and even then use metal on my overhead S4 Pars and ParNels, due to the heat warping the paper frame, which causes the material to bend and fall out of the fixture.

In a ground row application, I wouldn't use paper and no need really unless you're doing The Hobbit.

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