Best lighting for camera on a live stage

Depending on your throw, I'd say 750w - 2000w fresnels with L203 and barndoors is a decent place to start. Front & back wash at the very least.
Second what Rob said. Key light: 2k Fresnel from 45 deg (say) left & 45 deg above, Fill light: 2k Fresnel from 30 deg (say) right & 30 deg above & flooded out, Back light: 2K Fresnel back 30 deg (say) right behind speaker (opposite key direction & high angle), Backing: 2K Fresnel @ flood on BG from wherever convenient. All w/same color temp lamps. Coordinate w/video operator for key/fill/back ratios (adjust key to fill to back intensities by flooding/spotting), let the video operator white balance on his grey card & trey scale.
Dont bother with CTB unless you are trying to balance with a discharge light source or daylight. You will just lose a stop of light. Go with open white and get cameras balanced to that. Light positions, good advice above. If anything, put a bit of 1/2 CTB in backlight just for a bit of cooler definition. But get WB off keylight.

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