board problems


Active Member
hello guy,

we have a mackie sr32 4 vlz pro at school and some of the channels dont work at all. i was wondering if anyone had the same problem with this board. we know its the board because when we unplug the xlr in the back and plug it into a different channel it works fine. i was also wondering if they made tester for the board im about to buy this cable tester. will it work for the board too?

thank you
giovanni laucella
...Did you try adjusting gains?

Also define 'not working'... are you not getting any signal at all, or is it just not running through the mains?
You really need to be more specific if you want a helpful answer...

Testers probably won't work, unless you know what you're doing.
hello guy,

we have a mackie sr32 4 vlz pro at school and some of the channels dont work at all. i was wondering if anyone had the same problem with this board. we know its the board because when we unplug the xlr in the back and plug it into a different channel it works fine. i was also wondering if they made tester for the board im about to buy this cable tester. will it work for the board too?

thank you
giovanni laucella

All that tester is going to do is generate a tone for you to plug into the board. If you had a mic that didn't work in one channel, but worked in another, using a different source to repeat the test isn't going to tell you a lot. Beyond that, have you checked pads, mutes, routing, phantom power switches to make sure they are identical between channels? Have you tried listening to the "bad channels in headphones or assigned to different outputs to determine where exactly the signal stops? Perhaps a bit more info about your diagnostics and the rest of the system?
These Mackies had major problems with ribbon cables, you might be able to open the board up and check to see if the ribbon cable has come unseated

Also there were problems with insert jacks getting corroded so you might get a trs jack and try inserting and removing it several times from

Just to check you have the settings correct? I have seen situations where people use the Solo bottons incorrectly and have multiples on and these channels of course work and the other ones with the bottom off do not. Check the "rude Solo light" and check your assignment buttons these could be getting corroded a bit and need to "worked" a few times

sorry about not being clear the channel does not pick up a signal. it started a year ago with channel one now its channel 5, and 28. the gain is up all the setting are right trust me. its the channel im sure of it. i will try 1/4 input today to see if the problem is still there. if the ribbon is the problem is that hard to fix.

thank you
giovanni laucella
sorry about not being clear the channel does not pick up a signal. it started a year ago with channel one now its channel 5, and 28. the gain is up all the setting are right trust me. its the channel im sure of it. i will try 1/4 input today to see if the problem is still there. if the ribbon is the problem is that hard to fix.

thank you
giovanni laucella

If it is a ribbon problem (and it probably is) then it's not an impossible DIY fix if you're good with a soldering iron and surface mount components. If you're not best to send it to an authorized Mackie service center. I had to do that several years ago when I worked for a church that had an SR32. Fixed it, sold it, bought a digital console.
ok thank you. i just dont think the school will let us do that. would it be cheaper to get a new board or have mackie fix it. im going to try and convince them to get a new one just because i dont want this happening again.

thank you
giovanni laucella
That depends on what the school can afford. Realistically, it's only worth around $600 on the used market (if that). Having it repaired will probably cost $3-400. Every knob must be pulled off the face; opening this console is a very time consuming ordeal. However, if the school can only afford a repair then you'll just have to get it fixed and live with it until you can buy something else. I would say fix it, put a new console in the budget for next year, and sell it for maybe $500 when you buy a new one.

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