Broken CD player.


Active Member

Well, we have just finished hauling everything out and setting up for the year, and so we are testing everything, and discover that the belt that opens the CD player's door has snapped. Greeeat, and we use it a lot, since its the mixer kind and whatnot. So we're going to take it out of the rack and open it up and see if we cant fix it.

Any suggestions? :/
There's a good chance it's not worth fixing. We haven't really had a CD player last more than five years.

If you buy a new one, try TASCAM. We like our Denon, but we're already on the second.
CD players after a few years become an expendible item...hardly worth tryin to fix it. Best is to buy another (and always good to have 2 in house so you have one as a backup or for running a redundant).. If you can, go for a few of the pro models...they tend to last more then the cheaper home units and they tend to accommodate more format varieties.. My all time favorite die-hard model is the SONY CD1R but its out of manufacturing unless you can find one used... The Tascam CD01U or CD01UPRO single space model is a good second brand new..same for the Denon CD DNC620's.

These front load--has its pro's and cons but usually pretty decent and reliable IMO...

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What type of belt is in it? I've seen CD drives with ones very similar to the lego mindstorms belts... it's possible you could even get away with a rubber band.

Personally if the powers that be are okay with you messing with it I'd give it a shot. Make sure you unplug it first though :). Manipulate it by hand... it there a part of it that is not used where you could attach a piece of rubber/cord/ect to make a belt without it getting caught? What are the physical properties of the original belt? Can you replicate it... ect.

Feel free to post more info and I'll be glad to throw out ideas.

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