dmx light controller


I have a cheap elation controller and also use a software called light show pro.
I am looking to buy a new controller to control mostly LED uplighting/wall washers, moing head fixtures and misc other dmx devices.
Curretly my budget is only $500-$1000.
if anyone is interested in any kind of trade I have WDM tri color par cans and allot of 36x3 watt par cans (some ip65 rated) for trade.
hopefully looking for any advice beyond just the elation stuff I have considered. Thanks
What kind of shows are you running? Fixed cue list or buskin - on the fly selection of looks?
I run the pre programmed stuff from my laptop. I need a better dmx controller for lighting/moving heads and would like to program as much into it as possible. Id like to run something along the lines of 4 martin kryptons and build rooms of 32,24,16 uplights and have ceiling washes and floor washes as well preprogrammed in. Ill also use it as a live conroller.
For now i need a step up. In a year or two i would then decide to see what my needs are from there. Just hoping to spend my $ wisely.
One solution to consider would be mLight from osfSolution ( Welcome to OSF Solutions inGenius mLight ). Assuming you have a computer and monitor kicking around you can use, the total cost ( including dongle to generate DMX) would be under $1000.

mLight is primarily designed for theatrical use ( IE a single cue list - no busking) but it is very easy to learn and use. It does have some support for busking but it is a bit clumsy.

In the interest of full disclosure - I was one of the developers of the software, but I use it in my theatre, and everyone who use it finds it easy to use and powerful enough to get the job done.

Feel free to send me a PM with any quesitons.

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