Hi there

John Watts

Greetings...My name is John Watts and I am new here...I am a graduate of Mineola High School and New York University for Music Education and Composition. I am now at NYU for Graduate studies.

I am starting an alumni-run theater program at my High School this summer and have some stage design questions and concerns...wondering if anyone could offer a little help

We are looking for stretch fabric (4-point and 3-point) to display on our stage and put light on (50' stage width). I have tried a few websites (RMI- does not rent) and was alarmed to the price of the fabrics...Does anyone have any advise?
Welcome John! Glad to have you here. I am not 100% clear on what you are looking for. You will want to start a new thread in the appropriate forum. Be as specific and provide as much information as possible, and you should get some good advice.


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