lighting class


hi. i'm a high school student who loves his lights. i hope to head the department next year but i have an issue. I'm ignorant of most of the technology and theory of lighting. i know the basics like Pars, fresnels, ellipsoidals, gobos, and what not. and know how to use back lighting, front lighting, side lighting, and color pretty well. but i need a go to place for information. in short. i want to make a guide i can write so that students after me know what they're doing. Any sources will do.

please and thanks, Lou9x9.
There's plenty of stuff on amazon, check out some of the stuff on the list that got posted. As far as I know there's not a real concise encyclopedia type thing on the web, most contain a lot of different info on lots of topics. Our wiki though has some good collaborative articles that may help a bit.

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i have. it's been fruitless thus far. i've come across and very basic book at a local favorite book shop of mine but i was wondering if there were something... on the internet.

Steve Hayworth's site has other good stuff: Haworth Associates - Lighting

As to things you can read and posted on the internet ?, not as much stuff. Most of the folks that spend the time to research and write it all out, do so to make whatever money they can from the sale of the book(s), if only to recoup the time spent. Thus free stuff is not as prevalent.

The ETC site has a number of papers and articles that are educational;

Lighting solutions for Theatre, Film & Television Studios and Architectural spaces : ETC

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