RGBAW Led Lekos...I WANT EM, but which ones?

We just used the ETC Conversion unit for a concert. The 750 equiv. was a bit warm and did not have the punch the quartz sister has. Fans very quiet. They were also right out of the box so it was a test.
I would have had to have the light tech gel them if it was a broadcast event.
For what it's worth (coming from both a theatrical and commercial/event production viewpoint) my list of "give it a try" would be:
(and no, I do not claim any of these to be 750w HPL in a clean Source4 equivalent, but they'll kick on a 575w)
1) Chauvet Ovation, either white light only or the FC (color mixing) light - but use their optics not any left-over S4 lenses.
2) ETC ColorSource
3) ETC Lustr
4) Altman PHX

That's based on my own hung-in-spaces experience. Two main caveats 1: theses are not color-matching to hot light+gel, no matter how good the board's gel picker is, always match by eye. 2: your existing inventory will influence how these lights look and perform when hung in a mixed-source plot. Always do your homework and have the dealer set up a fixture to fixture shoot out.

Also, I'd say try to stay with big-name players just for the quality control of LED emitter binning from year to year. I remember back with some other vendors when the red or blue end of the fixture shifted the center point of the color by a few hundred nm.

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