Spending personal money on shows

For those who bring their tools to and fro everyday, how much does your toolbox weigh? Mine weighs ~35 lbs. So when I leave mine at school it is looked in an office inside the scene shop which is locked with a separate key and I usually put a lock on the box.
My toolbox is on the back of my truck, so it's easy to take them home at night. :)
As a high school teacher, there are times when I need something now and there's just no time to do a PO. These days, if the PO isn't requested before buying the item, you pay for it. So I end up buying a few gallons of paint and assorted hardware items over the course of the year. I just take the standard teacher "out of pocket" deduction on my taxes and I think it comes out about right. I'd rather spend my money and make the show what I want it to be. I guess if I didn't really love what I do, it might be different...
If I was flat out buying and could keep everything, I could envision myself dropping a hundred or less on a show. I very much want a small personal inventory, some MR-16s, a reasonable gel collection, gobos, maybe even a few PARs and Source 4s and cable and such, but only if I know I'll use whatever I buy often in my professional life. Never spend your own money on renting, you'll get nothing but memories out of that, and memories don't pay the rent.

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