Useful DMX accessories


Resident Curmudgeon
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Here's the scenario:
Sort of in the same vein as the Gafftaper Method, a convention center has a large (mid five figures) budget just for accessories. They regularly use all the popular MLs, but are looking for cheap and easy effects to throw on a wall, atmosphere for parties, etc.

What is available and what have you found especially useful? Scroller, gobo rotator, film loop, x-effect, DMX iris, and the like?

Which is the best rotator: TwinSpin, Vortex, SmartMove?
I-Cue or Right Arm? [We covered this here: .]
Seachanger or ColorFader or CXI/MXR or single-frame scroller?

Why does it seem like all these "toys" are $500-$1000 each, plus the power supply?


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I'm tempted to say that if one is looking for color washes to go the LED route. I know the popular thing is to use Colorblasts for wall washers, but if it's got to be cheaper, maybe even something from *gasp* Chauvet or Elation.

I'm also thinking dual gobo rotators for the simple fact that they are more flexible. They can always rotate a single gobo.

Basically, I'm thinking I'd rather have more units that could stand alone OR be board controlled, than ones that need power supply units and board control.
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Venue already has lots of LEDs. Only looking for accessories for Source Four.

Well I'd totally go Seachanger for a color changer unit. No gels to burn out, no external power supply needed, and I had a careless underclassman drop one 3' off the back of a truck and it survived with only a minor dent.

While I haven't used one yet, I rather like the idea of the GAM Prismo.
A convention center owning lighting? MADNESS!

(and why would a hotel av co want to rent you a s4 with a rotater when they could rent a mac2k at 20x the price?)
CXI over Seachanger just due to output. In my view, the seachanger in anything saturated just falls off the planet color wise. I have not used the "new" CXIs, so no help with the modern stuff.

I have had great success with the gam Film FX for washing walls. Throw a split gel or a colorizer in and you get a pretty cool effect.

I would probably pick up a few dozen glass somethings if I were to start doing more "lobby" events as we call them. The convention center downstairs has probably 200 units pointed at the walls, all with some type of scroller/rotator/breakup/etc.

I have never had an issue with any of the apollo accessory products, I see no reason to not go with them. Biggest thing in my world is what power supply scheme do you go with. I have done both the "large" one power supply and a ton of cable and the "small" less cable, more AC route. Both work, though if your going long distances best to go the small route.

The filmFX units are very pricey and pretty fragile in long duration use. The constant cooling/warming effect does wear out the films after awhile.

You really can never go wrong with a twinspin as well. Apollo has some other new stuff pointed at the logo world that would be a nice bag of tricks for certain clients.

There is just so many little things out there now that can do whatever you really need. It really just comes down to how its going to be deployed. If you looking for set it and an forget it and sometimes run without a console, any of the apollo stuff with variable wall warts would be the way to go.
For a convention center, I'd probably go for a number of Vortexs or some sort of rotating idea. Clients can walk in and hand you their custom gobo and you can have it making all sorts of dizzying patterns within a few minutes. The Marriott Marquis in NY has a dozen or so Source Fours scattered throughout the public areas of the lobby and outside that originally had Vortex 360s for spinning clients' gobos. Nowadays they mostly keep the restaurant's logo in there, but it's an interesting idea.

Other than that, I have no idea what a major convention center would need. Are you looking to rent this gear to incoming clients? If so, I'd avoid single-frame scrollers - they're great at what they do, but it's not worth much if the client doesn't have a sizable scroll budget. I'd probably stick with a Seachanger over a CXI - both are good units, but the Seachanger is more functional and uses line voltage and straight DMX, instead of needing an external power supply, so you'll be able to get it working faster. I'm also a fan of the GAM Film/FX or its big brother the SX4. One of those combined with a Seachanger will work well for splashing the wall with looks and colors.
Here's the scenario:
Sort of in the same vein as the Gafftaper Method, a convention center has a large (mid five figures) budget just for accessories. They regularly use all the popular MLs, but are looking for cheap and easy effects to throw on a wall, atmosphere for parties, etc.

What is available and what have you found especially useful? Scroller, gobo rotator, film loop, x-effect, DMX iris, and the like?

Which is the best rotator: TwinSpin, Vortex, SmartMove?
I-Cue or Right Arm? [We covered this here: .]
Seachanger or ColorFader or CXI/MXR or single-frame scroller?

Why does it seem like all these "toys" are $500-$1000 each, plus the power supply?

I like gobo rotators, the Twin Spin works really well, and I have yet to have problems with them, but then again, I have never used the Apollos rotators, would probably love them a lot too. FilmFX loops are nice. I would get enough to make a lake effect around the entire place? Other than that, the clouds and fire look silly. DMX Iris, yes please. As many as you have Right Arms, which you should have a few of. Some I-Cues as well for quicker moves. However, that said, IMO if you are a convention center and need a moving beam, cant you rent yourself a ML? Might be nice to have some Right Arms with Cameras on them tho, and a few more with projectors for China Style DL3s? I would say look at Seachangers for color changing, less problems in terms of gel burnout...

I think the reason they all cost 1000 bucks is because its cheap compared to a ML, so people pay up.
If they don't have one already, a Swisson DMX tester.

A required tool when you need to bench test all those goodies the other $99,550 purchased.
I Work for a Convention Center and I can relate to this thread we have tons of gear access to anything I would want to use but there are time i'm lighting shows in house and I don't have the budget to bring in more moving lights but I have plenty of conventional lights hanging What type of accessories would you like to have on hand just to fill in the gap some thing I could grab install in a light and get a WOW from a guest when they first walk into the room.

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