energy saving


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I'm sure if no one else around here can help Ship "the lamp whisperer" can, but your question is a little vague. Can you be a more specific of what you are looking for and what you want to do with this information.

Are you looking for data on how much energy is consumed vs. light output for a fluorescent, an incandescent and an LED? If yes then there is no magic formula or single data source. You will need to search manufacturers web sites as EVERY product is different in terms of how much energy it consumes vs. light output. Go to a couple of hardware stores and compare the wattage vs. Lumen output on a bunch of house hold incandescent and compact fluorescent lamps of various brands. Calculate the lumens/watts you'll be amazed at the variety you find (no two 100 incandescent bulbs are exactly the same in output). Also look carefully at how they compare a compact fluorescent vs. incandescent "equal to a 100 watt bulb" is it really? Depends on the brand of incandescent AND fluorescent.

The first link is simply a spreadsheet of what one company says you will save buying their product. There are no magic numbers behind it. They just say their fixture costs x dollars per hour to run (which may or may not be accurate in the real world) and give you a spreadsheet to calculate what they say your cost savings will be.

Your second link doesn't work.

Give us some more information and we can certainly help you out more.
Hi, I'm a new member and i'm preparing my degree in electrical engineering.

Now I'm working on an application of energy savings, I need some exemples of such an application.

I found some :

but i need the mathematical form.

Is there anyone knowing something about this ?

No, I didn't sniff my name mentioned. Thanks on the checking and wondering about what specifically was the question asked on the other hand.

Remember years ago back in socialogy class about graphs etc... they can show them anything you want them to show if you plug in the correct info to reflect a result as a selling point. What's the selling point as the goal referenced and what is the subject of your own study in knowing what beyond concepts of CRI and or the usefulness of full spectrum to health and color rendering is of question? For any "lamps bad" study there is an alternate or not so bad alternative. Remember reading about a new Osram/Sylvania pinch technology development recently that does away with lamp hanger mechanisms to support the filament. That's cool in concept. This much less a 20,000 hour incandescent lamp must be doing something right.

Main question is what's the question?

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