Homemade wireless Telex.

Interesting, I didn't think of that. But like museav said, I am afraid of the users not hearing other things, like the sound op is going to get a muffled version of his mix.

Which is why the sound guy needs both ears to hear, neither covered by a headset. This is what assistants are for, and / or the phone handset style with large flashing call light...
I would strongly suggest going for dual ear headsets over single eared. Single ears generally fatigue the wearer much more quickly because of the imbalanced loading and pressure on the head...

The only time I ever take a dual ear headset by choice is when I'm followspotting. Any other time, I want a single ear, all the way - and if I end up with a dual ear for whatever reason, I almost always end up putting the right muff behind my ear anyway. I guess it's a personal thing though - the single ear I usually wear is a reasonably comfortable Beyer, and I usually adjust it a couple of times a show so that the pressure point is in a different place. I'm so used to it that it doesn't really bother me anymore; it can get a little uncomfy in tech week (oddly enough, usually in my jaw) but a ten minute break usually sorts that out.
It's precisely the fact that you have to adjust a 108 to move the pressure point is precisely the reason I dislike them...
I'd rather throw the other muff behind my ear, it just seems to put the pressure in a different place.
That said given me a 290 over a 109 any day...
What I really want to see is a headset that effectively has an ear pad but air in the middle of it. That way the pressure would be equal on both sides of the head but you could still hear with one ear...

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