lights to music

According to the website it has midi controls so you should be able to do something with that.
You're really going to need to be more specific if you want help. There are tons of people here that can help you out, but you need to provide more info than "lights flash with the beat and its for random songs."
What they are looking for is how do you want to introduce the signal to activate the board. Are you using any tracks that you you could usse to fire cues. Are you using a computor as part of you sound system? What type of sound board do you have? What type of preformance are you doing, bar band or some other type venue. We need info to help you.
To decipher - he wants the lights to automatically operate based on the beat of the music, with no human interaction. Or at least that's the feeling I'm getting. :)
Most lower end lighting products have built in microphones that will pick up low end frequncies and respond accordingly. Would you want to have control through them through DMX or just do a master/slave setup?
Depending on what lights your using some have a built in audio detector but to really help we need more info
I want to have an input in the board and have lights flash to the song with no human interaction.
This is not possible with an Encore. As others have stated, this feature is commonly available on DJ consoles but not theatrical consoles. You could get an Elation or Chauvet console fairly cheap, but it's not going to have as many channels as the Encore so you may not be able to control all of your lights.
Enter color organ into Google's search box. Only the lowest of DJ controllers have a sound-to-light feature. I don't know of any theatre lighting consoles that do.

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