SFX 6.2.x Experience?


Hi all,

I was wondering what's everyone's experience with SFX 6? I've been using 5.6 for many years and recently became a convert of qlab. This week I've finally been forced to use SFX 6 in a building I freelance in and I am throughly not impressed. I tried importing a 5.6 session and I've had all sorts of problems, not to mention crashes and MIDI capturing errors. I'm really afraid to run this for the live show and I wanted to see how well it worked for anyone else? Maybe I'm just used to how easy qlab is to program and run. In fact I was about to upgrade a building's SFX 5.6 to 6, however now I'm thinking it might be better to get a mac and buy qlab.

I am also subscribed to the SFX yahoo group but I don't want to post my difficulties there because sometimes the responses can be a bit biased towards SFX.
I've had issues with building a workspace in v5.x and moving it to a 6.x machine. Crashes, doesn't see sound files, all sorts of issues. Creating the show from scratch in 6.x seems to be more stable but I still get crashes when editing, say every 5 or 6 steps. Running the show once it's built seems pretty solid though.

All told I'd much rather work in QLab, and am glad to be able to on other shows.
I hear you -- I think there are still bugs being worked out. I've been using 5.6 for a decade and I haven't switched to 6 yet because I was afraid to. That being said, I think it is becoming more stable, and people are running it with no problems. I did think they had the 5.6 import problem licked, though. Are you using the latest non-beta build? I think also (speaking for myself here), SFX6 works in such a different way than 5.6 I'm having a hard time getting my head around it.
If you don't want to do the Yahoo group thing, email Carlton directly and he's always been tremendously helpful with any customer support I've needed:
[email protected]
I would post on both, it seems that a lot of people here are biased towards qLab, i personally have never used qLab yet but hopefully will soon. we had the same problems when we upgraded from 5.x to 6.x and i just went through and rebuilt the show in 6.x it has a different set up so just opening a 5.x file is going to be difficult for this system although I'm sure they are working on it. Personally i feel that sfx 6 is more setup for the programmer who wants everything done on the comp and almost never have to touch the volume level on the board for the comp feed.

I would suggest just rebuilding your show in 6 its very stable and have only had one issue but it was with our firewire device not connected. I also have had no crashes while it was being edited or ran. While in 5.x I had it crash several times on me.

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