Some Chamsys Tips


Hey guys,

I know a bunch of you know this Chamsys console way more than i do but how does one create a random strobe effect the easiest (most other consoles i use have one already built in to the fx engine)? I also want to know how i create a rainbow fading &chasing effect the easiest. Thanks!

Some fixtures like Martin have a random strobe already made in the shutter channel. But if you want to make one in the FX, I generally do a random pulse with a very fast BPM on the dimmer channel. As long as it's not a tungsten fixture. In that case I would use the shutter channel(if available) and remember what all works on the shutter channel. Martin again used to put control elements like lamp on/off and reset on the shutter channel. So be careful of that when making that effect.

To make a rainbow chase on a CMY fixture you can go into your FX and select the CMY effect. For an RGB fixture, select RGB or RGB LED. And play with the settings of it until you find it how you like it.

If it's a fixture without CMY, but a color wheel, then the fixture will probably have a rainbow effect already built into the fixture. Most likely on the color wheel channel. Hope this helps.

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