Control/Dimming URGENT, Wybron CXI control Problem


Well-Known Member
Solved: see 4th post.

We are having difficulty controlling CXI color scrollers rented for a once night dance performance thats is Friday Night. We have a show file that a designer has sent that we have loaded in to our Element. We have set the BRAIN at address 200. Each scroller we want individually controled so we have set them starting at unit 1. at 01. unit 2 at 03. unit 3 at 05, etc. When first testing functionality on tuesday we had them all set to 1 and the brain addressed to something like 150 and all was good. it thought the designer was going to be using parameters so thats what i played with them as in a blank show file to make sure the all set to home correctly and just to have fun.

Turns ou they are being controlled as simple channels in the show file and not as device parameters attached to a "dimmer fixture". That said i can't seem to get them to do anything right now. the end result that what ever we address them to they need to be soft patched in starting at 351 in order for the show file to control them properly. I'm lost here. The Designer is not actually showing up, it's me and the assistant LD/SM trying to sort this out by Noon on friday when our tech starts for the show at 8pm that evening. These scrollers are crucial to the show as it is what lights most of the modern time lapse dance pieces being performed.

Any and all Help is appreciated. This whole process itself as been difficult as i told the LD with our limited budget and small venue space that I had little to know knowledge of the equipment. I didn't worry to much when i had them working fine on tuesday.
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If you rented them, call up the people you got it from and they should run a replacement out to you.

Edit: I'm foggy thanks to cold drugs and thought you had a physical technical problem

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It might be a bit of a stretch, but could be a DMX universe issue? As in the data that applies to the scrollers is actually coming from a second universe from the board, not the first? There is not enough info in your first post for me to be able to tell. I know of a few designers who set up their shows this way; all conventionals on universe 1 and all movers, rotators, scrollers, and other "toys" on a second universe. Just a thought.

Beyond that, did you do all of the basic trouble shooting steps (check for bad cables, terminators, proper power cables, etc.). I know you said that you had them working before, but it could still be possible that something that broke since then. Not trying to challenge your intellect or anything like that, just trying to get a better idea as to what the situation is.

Was the show originally programmed with the CXIs in two-channel or three-channel mode? Is the PSU in the same mode?
Solved. The problem, just lack of experience with the hardware. I did in fact have it all cabled and addressed properly. After our testing phase on Wednesday, I went to readdress the brain to it's show address. My buddy previously set it to a testing address. Turns out once you click enter for the address number, you then need to CYCLE all the way through back to the start of the menu before the new address takes effect. I hope this helps others that would have similar issues. I wrongly assumed that after pressing enter on the desired address and the "?" disappearing and just leaving CHAN, that it meant i was done :)

Thanks for all the swift reply's folks.
Glad to hear you got it figured out. Thanks for posting the solution for others to see in the future.


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