Element backwards compatibility

Is it possible to take show files created in EOS 2.0 and load them on a console running 1.7.0? Fixture profiles are not an issue, as facility policy explicitly bans the use of any profile other than "Generic Dimmer" and any device that is not the house dimmer rack from use with the console.

It should work but there have been some changes so certain features like "by type" palettes and possibly others may not work, or load. The simple solution is to try it before it is critical and see what breaks.

Is there any reason why the console can't be upgraded to 2.0 and downgraded again when you are done (though why anybody would want to run on a 3 or 4 year old release is beyond me).
Spot checks by facility to make sure I haven't made any unauthorized changes or connected any unauthorized devices, or used any unauthorized features. A volunteer with Group S who owns the facility is the defacto TD for the facility. I am associated with Group Y who does an annual summer production in the facility. Both Group S and and Group Y report to and are funded by Group G in the end. With the permission of Group Y, I contacted the unofficial TD for Group S to ask about upgrading because I tried to patch some RGBA strips as Generic 8 bit LED RGBA strips and the console did not use the A component in its color wheel/gel simulator section. I had checked in v2 offline and it worked as expected. I also checked v1.7 offline and it showed the same bug. The answer TD gave was no I may not upgrade and further more I am not to perform any repairs or upkeep on Group S property, which has sparked a nasty political battle over my head, as that blanket statement also included activities Group Y was allowed to do in past such as replace blown lamps and melted L5-20 connectors (out of Group Y's funds) in the forbidden list.

Yes, I now, after the fact, realize I never should have asked permission to alter equipment belonging to someone else, and I never will do that ever again, no matter the circumstances.

Given the current mess, I had planned to use an old Express 24/48 to save myself the headache of dealing with this console since the director really wants a pair of moving heads and a strobe in the show, but the Express power supply was broken, the new one hasn't arrived yet, and I need the show cued and ready to run for Friday morning. I'll shuffle offline versions on my laptop, probably easier. Just wanted to get a head start on importing the show file I've been building in Express Offline to Element during downtime at work today. And yes, given my facility constraints, Express 24/48 is a more functional console for intelligent fixtures than an Element.
I was sort of waiting for:

"Group S is traveling down a highway at 30 mph while Group Y takes a train to Albuquerque at 68.3 mph, at what point does group G finish eating the basket of apples?"

Took me a second to make sense of all the names, too many paint fumes this morning I think.

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